Sunday, May 31, 2009


Stock has begun to be despatched out to the market and you should begin to see our great lines Vintage Beauty and Kindred Spirit in stores in the next few weeks. We've had such an overwhelming responseto the ranges and we're just thrilled you like what we have done with Ruby.
Ruby is the little sister of our BELLA! brand which is in stores nationally in Australia. I'm the Creative Director of both and live in Sydney with my DH (dear husband) and two teenage children. I am constantly in awe at the amount of product available in the USA and as a "tragic" scrapbooking addict just love visiting the USA to stock up on supplies.
For those of you who are looking for something new for your stores give us a shout and we'll get you organised with an order form - email us at All stock is being despatched from Chicago to make it really affordable.
In the meantime we'll be sending out a newsletter later this week to show you some of the things we've been doing with the ranges downunder. Let us know if you'd like to go on the mailing list for this. It will keep you updated with what we're up to in the USA. Also check out our Australian blog for inspiration - this also showcases what Ruby and BELLA! are releasing on a weekly basis.
Looking forward to talking to more of you in coming weeks. In the meantime - Happy Scrapping!

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